What is it about Costa Rica? Part 1.
Costa Rica Cattle have the best attitude! If you haven't noticed, I am a bit of a lover of all things Costa Rica. The great Costa Rican love affair started many years ago. Costa Rica continues to woo me with it's stunning countryside, intriguing people and last but not least, a certain je ne sais quoi ( that's French for, " I don't know what.") that I still can't put my finger on. I try to explain "it" to people when they ask me what's so great about Costa Rica. I try to capture the feelings within my words but words just don't do it justice. Costa Rica does something to people, it leaves a soft, but profound footprint, in our hearts and souls and it's different for everyone. Talk to anyone who has ever been to Costa Rica and you'll notice that their whole demeanor changes at the mere mention of their little slice of heaven. What is it about that place???? This past December, I was fortunate enough to be able to bring one o...