Project Corazon y Alma ~ Peru 2016

I didn't go to Peru this summer thinking anything other than I'd be going on the trip of a lifetime and how fortunate I was to be able to have manifested this dream into a reality. I had no idea the magnitude of influence this trip would have on me. I had no idea that my presence in Peru made a difference ~ until I got home. More often than not, while we are traveling, we're awe struck by what we are experiencing. We're moved. We're elated and joyous. We're in the moment ~ as we ought to be. It's not until we return home that we begin to feel the deep impact that our experiences have had upon us. It's not until we walk our daily walk again that we realize we feel different in our steps. I came home from Peru feeling softer in my soul. I poured over my photos and brought the experiences back to life. It was in doing this that I had the idea that it wasn't enough for me to just be touched by the experiences I had or by the people that I...