Scrap the honeymoon and head straight for an adventuremoon.

As traditions go, most newlyweds tie the knot then shortly after the wedding ceremony, they head out on their honeymoon in hopes of being pampered and spoiled at a luxurious romantic resort as they slide into their new life together as a shiny, brand new, happy couple. I never really looked up the definition of "honeymoon" until I began to write this blog, but out of curiosity, I looked up the meaning. Check out this definition per coupled with my commentary. Noun 1. a vacation or trip taken by a newly married couple. ( the obvious definition we are all familiar with) 2. the month or so following a marriage. ( that sacred time when everything is still supposed to be perfectly perfect) 3. any period of blissful harmony. ( eludes to the fact that the period of time is short) 4. any new relationship characterized by an initial period of harmony and good will. ( by the time most people reach a honeymoon, they...