The honest to goodness truth.

As a Travel Agent or as I prefer to call myself, a Travel Ambassador, the struggle to compete in an online, click friendly world of travel is challenging at best. Truth be told, I've often wondered why more people aren't flocking to Viva la Vida Travel. Am I trying too hard? What am I doing wrong? I've struggled with my approach to business, my marketing, my focus group of clients and how to "find them" and have compared myself to other agents time and time again only to feel discouraged by my seemingly lack of "success" in the market. I'm not nor have I ever been a one size fits all kind of a woman. I've never fit into any prescribed mold and have tended to follow my hearts passion when it comes to work and life in general. Is that always the most lucrative way to be in this day and age? Hardly. Is it respected? Maybe. Is it what I know how to do? Yes. Does it work for me in my business? That depends on how you look at it. The goal...