How to be a do it your self traveler and still work with a travel agent.

It's all about teamwork. Once upon a time our wanderlust was piqued by National Geographic magazines that would roll out monthly editions showcasing magnificent and far away lands, exotic cultures and places one could never imagine visiting. I, myself, would pour my day dreams into those well crafted photos and imagine that some day I would walk that walk of the traveler. Fast forward to today, when the internet has literally brought the world into our hands. Instagram, blogs, Twitter, you name it, the world wide web has brought us closer together and has made the world of travel that much more attainable. Millennial's are blazing the trail in travel; globe trotting and backpacking all over the place. They design their trips based on others experiences and suggestions, they want complete autonomy over their travel experience and for good reason. In this day and age of everyone wanting to be different and stand out amongst the masses, creating a travel experi...