My philosophy of travel.

What /is/ it about  travel that makes it so special? Is it the fact that we get to trade in our dull drum jobs for  one week and plant ourselves on the beach with a book in one hand and a fruity drink in the other? Is it the fact that we finally  get to be our long lost selves for a while? Is it the thrill of the adventure? Whatever travel does for you or to you, it's a good thing. I rarely hear people say that they are not keen on travel. I did have the conversation,however, with my cousin on travel and the importance of remaining "global minded" in this society. His response was this, " Nah, I'd rather buy a farm and  raise chickens." So, I guess it'd be safe to assume that not everyone is a global traveler. Some are local travelers, veering only to the next state or possibly only the next town over. Either way, however you choose to travel, the bottom line is that it sticks with you. That's what is so cool about travel. It leaves it's mark on our soul. It gives us something to talk about. It It adds to our character. At the end of our road, what matters is that we have lived a full life filled with experiences that have made us look at life with a new pair of eyes, that have allowed us to jump out of our comfort zone if only for a moment,just to realize what exactly we are made of and/ or to have inspired us to be better than we were when we left.

Viva la Vida Travel is dedicated to changing peoples lives through travel. Now think on it, where do you want to go next? What's on your bucket list? What makes you curious? When you reach a fork in the proverbial road, which route will you take? Why wait?


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