's a new term you may want to start using.

Call me what you will, but I don’t believe in romance. I do believe in reconnecting and reigniting but I do not believe in the oozy, goozy thing called romance. While in the airport in Atlanta, I had a brief conversation with a fella, who, after realizing I was a travel agent had told me that he wanted to go to San Francisco for his 15 th wedding anniversary. My friend, who is also a travel agent, pipes in and says, “How about Napa? It’s more romantic.” The man responded back with a roll of the eyes and heavy sigh that said, “ I don’t want any place really romantic. Really, after 15 years?” That got me thinking about romance and whether or not it really does exist and how do the expectations of “romantic” vacations play into it all. Anyhoo, as I spoke with this guy, I suggested DOING something with his wife, have an experience instead of having the stress of creating a magical heart felt moment with his wife that 1.) would never measure up to what s...