"Why didn't I talk to you before????"

The other day, I was wrapping up a networking meeting and got to chatting with a fellow community member. I made mention to the fact that we had gone on vacation to Costa Rica and how cool it was and she informed me that she took her family on a cruise. As a curious minded travel specialist, I asked her how the cruise was and the heavy sigh, droopy shoulders and frown on her face said it all. She went on to explain to me that they took their children on this trip so as to be able to spend more time together but she said that her kids were older and ran around the ship without them. She said, "I'd have an occasional child sighting in the hallways." She went on to describe her experience similar to that of being at Wal-mart on a Saturday and that was not what she had signed on for nor had she expected. These fun folks could very well be on your next vacation with you! She felt like a cruise would be a great way to keep everyone together and really connect but what she...