A travelers perspective on introspection

Introspection ~"a reflective looking inward :  an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings."

In our regular, chaotic, mayhem filled daily lives, we are rarely afforded the time for introspection. On the contrary, we may find ourselves riding the fringes of life, barely holding on and often times forgetting that we are individuals with dreams, passions and interests that have been buried beneath the daily grind of 12 hour work days, household chores and childrearing. I have seen this all too often in my past career as a social worker, especially in dealing with people who are living in poverty, those struggling with mental health issues, or simply those over worked and spread too thin ~ time for introspection is a luxury and not a necessity. I myself, neglected my own inner self for many years, doing what was supposed to be done ~ perfecting the American dream : buying a house, getting married and raising children while saving for the day when I could retire and REALLY start living. 

Upon career changes into travel industry and finally pursuing my passion ~ travel ~  was I smacked right in the face with moments of introspection that would flood my soul with ideas and feelings that I never knew were possible. Traveling, especially alone ( as in not with your family), no matter where you are going or what you are doing , will take you places within yourself you never knew existed. It's a curious thing. I haven't done a world trek like some travelers that I've met. I haven't stayed in hostels, haven't climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, haven't done the Eat, Pray, Love journey that many have done but I have stepped out MY comfort zone and I have traveled alone. I've discovered that I'm stronger than I thought I was ~ both physically and mentally. I'm much more adaptable to change, in fact, during my travels, I realized that change is integral to my over all well being.  Change drives me and I discovered this while traveling. All of this time I just thought I was super unsettled and felt bad for feeling that way but what I really am is simply a gypsy soul, craving more of life's adventures on a very cellular level ~ and that's okay. 

I've written about this a lot because I think that introspection helps us create a better version of ourselves and it is necessary for leading a fulfilled life. Taking the time to travel to new places takes us out of the grind of regular life and allows us to BE one with ourselves as well as with others. I don't care where you are in life and what your financial situation is but travel IS possible. You don't have to go far to experience introspection. Start with your own home town ~ visit a new cafe in a neighborhood. Absorb the "culture" of that neighborhood and take note of how you feel being in a new environment. Be a traveler in your own city and state and when you've found the  inspiration and courage  to travel to far off lands, DO IT! Multiply your feelings of traveling locally by 1 million and you will get a taste of what your next adventure will do for you. 

The time is now, people. We can throw out excuse after excuse as to why we can't travel and why we don't have time to live the life we've always wanted to live, but while we're making excuses, life is passing us by. Take the journey into the world and in doing so, you will become a better person, a more fulfilled and experienced person sharing joy with those around you. Trust me . . . 

Viva la Vida
Live Life. Travel. 


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