The Travel Bug

I have been this person and I dare to venture that many of you can relate to the monotony of it all. What if you could walk through your every day life inspired? What if you could see things with a new pair of eyes? What if you felt fulfilled? That's a crazy concept for most people who trudge through life uninspired and lacking the luster they desire. Let me tell you folks, you CAN feel all of those things. But "how?" you may ask. The answer comes to you in one word : TRAVEL. I can already hear the neigh sayers telling me how they can't afford it and how they don't have the time to travel and I hate to say this, but these are the perpetual self- deprecators who wallow in their regular lives playing the martyr yet doing nothing to change the situation. There will always be those people in the world. But for those who felt the butterflies in their belly when I said that you CAN feel inspired and alive again, you are ready to soar!
It's time to hit the road. Set your sights on new horizons and start seeing things in a much different way: get a global perspective and your regular days will no longer be "routine".

Like most things, there are no one-size-fits-all vacations. We are all individuals with individual likes and dislikes and what soothes our soul or fills up our cup will be totally different from that of another person. What I do know is this: you will not escape your misery until you take the first step to make a change and shake things up a bit. Take that deep breath, throw on your big girl panties and throw a dart at a map ~ where it lands is where you go!
I pulled myself out of the funk and got traveling. I no longer see things the same way. Today, I drive in my car to sports practices, listening to international rhythms inspired by travels, my trips to the grocery are driven by a desire to recreate delicious foods that I have discovered on my travels and on those days when I do feel far to "routine" for my liking, I remind myself that within this vessel that I call my body and soul
, lies memories so beautiful and rich with emotion that they can turn around any grey day. I carry with me the fact that I know that there is more to the world than what I see on a daily basis and that pushes me forward in a quest to soak up everything I can in this lifetime. ~ after all, we have one shot at life, it would be a pity if we didn't truly experience all that there is to offer in this world.
I want you to feel fulfilled and inspired in your daily life. We can't always globe trot but we can ignite the fires again and start traveling. I got into the travel "business" to pull my own self out of my funk but to also really start helping people live a better life through travel. I say it often, but having new experiences in travel creates a more globally conscious minded individual who pays attention to the intricacies of life and it's fragility. It' creates a more tolerant individual. In this hectic, fast paced world, we need more well-traveled individuals roaming around. You need to be one of those people. When you're ready to get bitten by the travel bug and start living the life you dreamt of living, Viva la Vida Travel is here for you.
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