Oh the people you meet!

I write about people a lot in my travel blogs because quite honestly, people fascinate me. People who are traveling and moving from one place to another fascinate me. People who are stagnant also fascinate me. People who I've never met fascinate me. While I am out and about in this world, I am always observing people and even more so when I am traveling. Folks who have taken a step to travel, whether it be to travel to Virginia to see the in-laws with their new baby or to venture further out of the country, they have taken a step out of their comfort zone. They are filled with passion, exhaustion, curiosity, and on some level, they are risk takers whether they choose to believe it or not. Photo taken in the Atlanta airport en route to Mexico Traveling is not just getting from point A to point B. No, friends, it's more than that. You don't just take a cab ride without interacting with the cab driver ~ you engage with them, you tell them where you need to go. While at ...