Dear Men. . .

Dear Men,

I know that you work hard to provide for your families. I understand that you carry an enormous amount of responsibility on your shoulders when it comes to creating a financially comfortable life for yourself and your family.Maybe you're in a dead-end job or perhaps it's an unfulfilling job that you have settled for simply because it pays the bills. Maybe you've lost all contact with your guy friends because you've been busy working and changing diapers and buying mini-vans. Maybe you've lost your mojo, maybe you feel like a machine, a slave to the career.

Maybe your marriage feels empty. Maybe you lost the connection with your wife because she can't seem to connect to the machine you've become. Maybe you're snapping at your children out of frustration of all that you've given up and feel sad about but don't seem to really know why. Maybe you feel like you simply "sold out"and maybe you have lost yourself. Maybe, just maybe, you have and so now what?

This happens to us humans all of the time. It happens to men and women but as I write, I am writing to you men. I get your angst, although I am not a man, I am married to a man and I understand the roles that men take on in order to be the "provider". I also know how the push to be the provider tends to push out a sense of self needed by every single human. Men, this is what I have to tell you. We women appreciate your hard work. We appreciate the sacrifices.We love you for that. What we don't love our men who turn into machines who clock in and clock out of life on a daily basis, who do the bare minimum in life simply because they are so brain dead from their unfulfilling and/or stressful job that they have no choice to withdraw into themselves or whatever vice they have simply to survive. We need more. We need YOU.

Once upon a time you were a young, wild boy who liked to ride his bike for hours through muddy rivers and over hills with your best friend on a quest of whatever sort. Once upon a time, every single activity felt like an adventure unfolding that you couldn't wait to conquer. Once upon a time, you had not a care in the world. Once upon a time there was a YOU and now you sit wondering what has become of you. Why aren't you happy? Where did your spark go? Where's the old YOU?

Let me tell you what you need to do to get the old you back. You need to travel. You need to stop complaining about how much you've had to give up for the benefit of everyone else. You need to take charge of the "you" that was given to this earth and you need to stop the machine that you've become and get back to the curious, life-loving young man you used to be. It's possible~trust me.

"But, how do I just run away and travel when I have a family? How do I just do that? I can't afford to travel now." This is what I have to say about that, " If you are even nodding your head at anything I've just written because you can relate, you can't afford to NOT  take the leap into yourself on a soul searching, adrenaline filled trip into you. Your marriage can't afford it. Your life needs more from you.Your world will thank you. You will thank you."

It's scary, I get that. It's scary to throw all caution to the wind and take time off of work, leave the wife and kids for X amount of time and take a journey into you. It sure is scary but it's a good scary. It's a scary that gets your blood pumping again. It's that adrenaline rush you felt as a little boy when you finally tried something that the big kids did ~ and then succeeded.

Maybe you don't know what on earth you'd do. Maybe you don't know where to start. Let me help you. Write a list of things that you used to love to do. Write a list of things you are curious about. Merge the two lists together and pick a destination, anywhere on this planet that has fascinated you and put the two together. Take the leap to call me and have me help you get out of your rut. All it takes is  YOU being sick of where you are at in life. All it takes is YOU wanting more out of your life. All it takes is YOU wanting to spark a new path for your life. It's not being selfish to invest into your well-being, because like I often say, travel is an investment into ourselves. We can neglect our true selves for only so long before it catches up with us and then we find that our worlds are crumbling, we're miserable and the ground we walk upon feels shaky at best. This is the best time to take that bucket list trip. This is the best time to shake up your world, see new things, gain a new perspective. Feel like YOU again. Return home to your family and friends with a new set of eyes that have seen more and done more than the "machine" ever imagined was possible. Feel confident in the YOU you have always been. Feel better in your marriage because you have finally gotten back to the man that your wife first fell in love with.

Gentlemen, you've still got it in you. You're still that cool guy with a sense of adventure who likes to throw rocks into rivers, who likes to climb trees and go fast no matter how he's doing it. Gentlemen, it's a big job feeling like the world rides on your shoulders. Despite the milestones we women have made in terms of women's rights, it's an inherent trait in men to feel the need to provide for their families. Sadly, sometimes the inherent trait to provide in only a monetary sense isn't exactly how we, our families, or our marriages, and last but not least, ourselves, flourish.

Stop being the machine. Jump start the YOU that you know exists. Your life will thank you. YOU will thank you.


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