What will you do with 2015?

Here we are in 2015. We've got a whole new year of life to do with what we wish, that's a pretty big thing to think about; a full year ready and waiting for us to craft it up as we desire. What will you do with your time?

Will you work towards that promotion at work that will afford you more money to buy what you want but less time to do what you want?

Will you move into that bigger house to accommodate all of your stuff?

Will you go back to school and/or finally make that career shift?

Will you learn another language?

Will you save up for that new ride you've been dreaming up?

Will you travel?

What will you do???

When we think about what we do with our time and how it impacts us for better or worse, I think we'd find that most of us spend a fair amount of time doing fluffy things, you know, things that are fairly shallow, things that don't leave the world or ourselves better. Maybe a better way to say that is that we simply exist.

I think that a lot of us have existed and ran on the treadmill of life for a large portion of our lives, in fact, I'd say most of us have. What gets us out of merely existing and truly living? I'd venture to say that what creates "life" in a person is as varied as the people living on this planet. No two people have the same vision for their lives. So, I ask you this, "What makes you feel alive? What takes you from merely existing to really living? How do you know you're really living? How do you feel?"

I am a huge advocate for using travel as a catalyst for personal betterment.  When we get sucked into the thinking that there is a one-size fits all approach to life, that is when we need a change of scenery to enlighten us to a world of possibilities within ourselves as well as elsewhere.

I encourage you to think of travel as more than just lying on the beach somewhere toasty warm while you sip on fruity drinks that your handsome waiter brings to you on demand. Don't get me wrong, having a beautiful waiter bring me drinks IS nice and it is a beautiful addition to a vacation but it's not everything I want out of my travels.

I encourage you to look within yourself and find what makes you tick, what makes your heart skip a beat, what gives your butterflies, what scares the shit out of you and I encourage you to travel towards those feelings. There's a dreamer in you somewhere that is crying out to be heard; isn't it time you pay attention her/him? When was the last time you felt alive? If your dreamer beckons you half ways across the world, go there. If your dreamer in you calls you to face your fears of flying, FLY. Whatever it is, answer the dream calls and take action. Don't simply wish upon things, make them happen.

So, welcome to 2015 Viva la Vida Travel family. This is going to be a great year! This is the year YOU make big changes in how you live your life. This is the year YOU travel the world. This is the year that Viva la Vida Travel creates movers and shakers in this world by designing travel experiences that create happier souls. Oohhhh, it's going to be so good!


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