Viva la Vida Travel.

 In the event you are wondering what my vision statement is, take a look:

"Viva la Vida Travel is a one of a kind travel agency focusing on creating culturally enriching travel experiences that bring to life the people, environment and traditions of the cultures being explored. It is my goal to open the hearts, minds and souls of my clients; helping transform lives by creating travel packages for individuals and families that cultivate moments of discovery, awareness, adventure, exploration and joy! "

When many people think of a "Travel Agent" they think of a person sitting behind a desk in a storefront office with posters of white sand beaches and cruise ships plastered all over the walls.That is not me.  I am a one woman show, free from flashy posters and advertisements. I rely on my own personal presence and knowledge to "sell" travel.  I approach travel as an emotional and life changing event. It is not my goal  to pitch the latest and greatest travel "deals" or to try and sell something in particular because of personal gain for selling X product.  Instead, my goal is to educate and inspire people to consider travel as more of an investment into their lives and to considerate it as a catalyst for personal, social, and global change. 

I am not in the market of convincing someone to do something that they are not open to doing. There is no  one -size- fits- all approach when it comes to life or to travel. That being said, I AM in the market of inspiring people to look at travel differently as well as to engage them in opportunities that they never knew existed. After all, you don't know what you don't know. When you are ready to talk travel and get inspired, I'm here for you. 


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