Break free from the cocoon.

What do you crave?

As I grow older, I have begun to realize that what used to do it for me in terms of activities, travel, my social scene, and everything in between has changed. The activities that used to define me have now become memories of a life lived ~ in younger years. It's the natural evolution of our lives to grow into ourselves, break free from each and every cocoon that we find ourselves stuffed into branch out into new versions of ourselves.

That being said, I think that that we as humans pigeon hole ourselves into a way of being that others have defined for us based on who we WERE at one point in time or based on who others WANT us to be and in turn, we lose sight of what WE crave and who we've become in this very moment of our lives. It's happened to me time and time  again and I've seen it happen to many friends over time.

So, let me ask you this ( and be honest with yourself) ? Right now, where you are at in your life, what is it that you crave? What do you find yourself day dreaming about? When you think of who you are right now, are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are you a high octane person or have you become a bit more subdued over the years? Do you continue to try to shove your old self in to the same suit you once wore finding that it simply no longer fits nor does it look good on you anymore? Where does your mind wander? 

There is no judgement to be had when it comes to personal evolution because like anything, it happens slowly and naturally. Who are we to judge a natural process? If you look all around you, there is growth within in nature ~ it is subtle yet it is there ~ the same goes for ourselves.

As I write travel blogs, I tend to write more and more about self exploration because it has been through travel that I have come to see myself evolve into a newer, more deeper and refined version of  my old self. There are growing pains when it comes to becoming someone mildly different than what you once were because we tend to carry others expectations of how we ought to behave, sometimes fighting with our own selves to stay stagnant ~ ignoring our own natural processes. 

As you move forward in life, let yourself grow. Pay attention to your subtle or not so subtle changes and as you plan your travels, take note of the new interests that have crept into your life and honor them with travel experiences that support and enhance your growth. I like to say that I'm the best out there when it comes to helping design a travel experience that encourages self growth. I will never tell you that an experience will change you because I could never predict that, BUT, I can tell you that by talking with you and learning about you as a person (who you were and who you are ), that I will create a travel experience that supports your journey. 

Viva la Vida pero no dejes que la vida te vive. ( Live life, but don't let life live you.) 


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