I can't say that I'm a seasoned traveler but I can say that I am a passionate dreamer of travels to be had. One of my favorite journey's was to Costa Rica while on a 2 month study abroad program while in college. I stepped off of the airplane, met the family I was to live with for the next 2 months and took every moment from then on as it came to me. My fellow students and I traveled around Costa Rica on literally a dime and a smile. We ate black beans and rice, chicken, and cabbage salad daily. We walked miles in our Birkenstock sandals while feeling none the less like tourists. We went where the locals were and we immersed ourselves in the Tico culture. One of the biggest selling points to me ( and it sounds odd to say) but I LOVED answering the "Como estas?" ( how are you?) question with the ever popular Tico response, "Pura vida!", which translates to pure life. Yes, this is how Ticos answer most "how are you's?" and this is how ...