Welcome to my blog! For years I have thrown myself into my social work career and realized that as much as I loved helping people get out of tough spots in their lives I was reaching my saturation point. My all time passion has been travel. It started when I'd go to Wyoming and visit family. I am from North Dakota so the mountains of Wyoming were mind boggling as was the culture of that state. My passion was fueled even more with a trip to France when I was 16 that turned me into a much different person. My eyes were opened to the WORLD, to cultures other than my own, to new languages and the excitement of exploring more of this world became even greater. After many years of stifling my passion because of life's demands and because I neglected my true calling, I've started a career in travel.

Now, you may say, " If you love travel so much then why plan it for others and not for yourself?" The fact of the matter is this, I love talking about new places, I love planning the adventure, I love hearing about peoples experiences,  I love hearing about how it opened them up to new things, and I love every single aspect of travel.  I wanted to do  something that made me excited. Travel makes me excited!

I wanted a place to put down my travel dreams as well as points of inspiration for future travelers so I started this blog. In it you will find information on out of the ordinary and off the beaten path destinations as well as some very common, yet glorious locations. I am a sucker for new cultural food experiences, so naturally, I'll have some recipes and great food ideas from places around the world. My goal is to inspire you to travel, to get out of your comfort zone, to experience the world. If adventurous travel is not your thing, no need to worry, I'll also keep you up to date on the all inclusive hotels that cater to your every need.

So, join me on this journey and when you are ready to take the step and make your travels a reality, give me a call and I'll be more than happy to get you going!

Viva la Vida!


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