Cultural Tourism

There are many kinds of travelers in this world; those that want to lounge on the beach and let their worries wash away with the tides, those that crave the adrenaline rush of white water rafting,  those that want a sort of "light bulb" vacation that ignites their spirit and motivates them to do more with their life. and then there's everything in between. There is no right or wrong to a persons travel goals, the most important thing to note is that they come away from their travels better for it.

As a former social worker, I have worked with people from every walk of life, representing many countries from around the world. Working with them allowed me to see first hand how their culture works,not only within our U.S. borders but within their people and in their countries. In working with people from other cultures as well as with  our fellow U.S. citizens, I was keenly aware of the fears that both parties brought to the table when it came to understanding and interacting with one another. It was my goal as a social worker as well as a human being, to promote relationships between the cultures so that both parties were free to interact with one another without fear or judgement.

I've been fascinated with learning about other  cultures ever since I was aware of the fact that other cultures existed. I did an exchange to France when I was 16 and that experience has stuck with me and will continue to fuel me. I studied abroad in Costa Rica and lived with a Tico family for two months, sharing in their day to day lives and learning how their culture works. Spending time with the people of the destination is an invaluable investment into ourselves. It is only with that sort of travel can we begin to break down walls of ignorance, racism, and fear.

As I move forward in my travel career, I am focusing on building opportunities for travelers to get to know other cultures in a personal way. Going to a destination and staying on a resort for the entire time is not experiencing the destination nor is it experiencing the culture. There is nothing wrong with traveling as such but in order to build a healthier traveler  ~ in terms of cultural awareness etc., one must hop off the beaten path and live the life of the destination. 

There are many opportunities to take advantage of for beefing up your cultural awareness and understanding. Right now, I'm promoting a trip to the Yucatan in Mexico to experience the sweetness of the Mayan culture and cuisine within a small guided tour group. The tour allows travelers to experience first hand the Mayan culture. If you're not into the group scene and want a more one on one experience, there are several other trips you can take that will allow you to get up close and personal with the people. Try it, you will thank yourself for it! 

Traveling breaks down barriers. It brings people together. It allows us to see the intricacies of other cultures as well as our own. I can't impress enough on my fellow readers that TRAVEL is the best investment one can make in their lives. Take your children with you on your travels. Show them the world and trust that your gift to them will continue to give back to them for the duration of their life. Choose travel wisely, choose it often and VIVA LA VIDA!


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