Lay overs

I'm en route to Puerto Vallarta and have three glorious hours in the Sky Harbor airport. Upon landing, the airport was bustling and buzzing with frenetic energy.  I thought I'd blend in with the crowd and wander around a while and do some window shopping, but much to my amazement, there was nothing to look at. I can't kill three hours in a news stand pouring over magazines and gum packs so I decided to grab myself  a slice of pizza and salad and drag myself to a chair that looked out over the tarmac. It was 9:00 a.m., and I don't usually eat pizza and salad for breakfast but considering I'd been awake since 3:30 a.m., I figured I was ready for lunch.

What I love about traveling is simply people watching. Airports are a great place to watch people. Most of the people in the B terminal at the airport were headed to either Hawaii or Cabo San Lucas so there were a lot of jovial spirits ready to get their relaxation on. What I also love about traveling is eaves dropping, not on purpose, mind you but more because the person is talking so loudly on their cell phone or to their traveling partner. This is what I heard today, " Yah, well, I got up and had some breakfast. I had a nice omelet, some coffee and OH!, I watched that movie you suggested~ it was crap." then she looked over at me and winked, like I was supposed to know what she was talking about.

The terminal has emptied and travelers have hit the skies to get bring them to the nirvana they have long been dreaming about. I sit here with less than 20 people around me and  I am now watching a blue jean clad, bearded guy playing on demand songs on his acoustic guitar for two very eager little girls who are requesting Old MacDonald had a farm. He's singing " Old MacDonald had a snake, with ssss, here and a ssss, there.." and a huge smile crosses his face as he serenades the girls.  The girls, probably 3 and 4 lean over the chairs and shout out requests to the stranger with the guitar. Girls of all ages always love a guy with a guitar who is willing to sing at a moments notice.

As an airport staff walks by, she shouts out, " It's a beautiful morning!" and they proceed to sing together. More staff comes around to discuss what kind of music this blue jean wearing musician can play to pass the time and it's clear to me that with music, there are no boundaries. Music can most definitely bring people together, even complete strangers.

This is my take away from my three hour lay over in Phoenix's Sky Harbor airport : At first my thought was, "Oh great, THREE hours." but then I decided to look on the bright side and allow myself to absorb everything around me and just appreciate the time I have. Traveling brings people together in more ways than we can possibly dream of and that despite what seems like a long lay over, there's magic to be uncovered around every corner.
The Terminal B sing along at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport


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